2018 Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE)/USA-Seattle education seminars (www.cie-sea.org)
美洲中国工程工程师学会(CIE-USA)西雅图分会有幸邀请到亚太裔奖学金(CIE APA YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP)获得者来现场分享大学申请的成功经验,并请专家现场解读成功的原因。
这几位去年奖学金的获奖者;来自Bellevue, Lake Washington 和Seattle等学区,今年分别被加州理工(CalTech)、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)、哈佛大学及宾州大学沃顿商学院(UPenn Wharton)录取。
Do you have kid(s) in high school? Are you seeking ideas for his/her college application? You will find what you need at CIE’s ROAD-to-COLLEGE education seminars.
Chinese Institute of Engineers / USA – SEATTLE has the honor to invite CIE APA YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP winners to share their successful experience ofcollege application, and expert counselors to explain the reasons behind their success.
Last year’s CIE scholarship winners came from local school districts, e.g. Bellevue, Lake Washington and Seattle. They have been admitted this year byCalTech, Columbia, Harvard and U Penn Wharton, respectively.
Stephanie Guo Columbia University
Angela Lin UPenn Wharton & Engineering
Anna Wang Harvard University
Iris Zhou UPenn Wharton
Diane Li Blaze Education