2019 Road-to-College Seminar

通向大学之路 美洲中国工程师学会西雅图分会邀应届学生现身说法  2023届美国大学申请已落下帷幕。多名曾获得美洲中国工程师学会亚太裔奖学金的高中毕业生获得了自己心仪大学的录取。美洲中国工程师学会西雅图分会特邀了几位同学现身说法,分享大学申请的成功经验。 这几位高中毕业生中有热心社会公益的,有音乐艺术优秀者,有新移民,没有体育文艺和大奖却进入心仪大学的,他们是邻家孩子,更是如大家的自家孩子。他们分别来自贝尔维尤Bellevue、华盛顿湖 Lake Washington 和西雅图Seattle等学区,今年分别被布朗Brown, 康乃尔Cornell, 芝加哥Chicago, 加州圣地亚哥UCSD, 斯坦福Stanford大学录取。另有宾州大学沃顿商学院UPenn Wharton大一学生也前来指导。  讲座于6月2日(周日)下午2点至4点,在微软园区举行。讲座免费对公众开放,有兴趣的学生和家长事先登记注册即可,届时凭注册记录进场。  讲座具体信息和注册方式如下:  时间:6月2日(周日)下午2点至4点  地点:微软园区(Microsoft Research Hall, Building 99/1919, 14820 NE 36th St., REdmond, WA 98052)  毕业生代表: Megan Lu            Brown University Edwin Ong         Stanford University Gloria Shi            Cornell University  Kai […]

2019 The 17th CIE/SEA APA Youth Scholarship Application

1. Objective To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually. 2. Scholarship Award Categories a.      CIE Scholarship Award                                    i.       […]

2019 Asian American Luminary Awards Nomination Program

Asian American Luminary Awards (AALA) Selection Committee will select the award recipients from fields like Aerospace, Biomedicine / Global Health, Intelligent Technology, Telecommunication, Finance and Community Engagement (“Award Fields”) based on the following criteria and weighting factors:  A. General Qualification:  Nominee must be of Asian American heritage.  Nominee must be a US citizen or legal […]

2018 Asian American Luminary Awardees

Acknowledgement CIE/USA – SEA would like to express its sincere appreciation to the following companies for their sponsorship, commitments or supports in making this year’s Convention a successful one. Diamond Sponsors Boeing Huawei Sugon Gold Sponsors Dorsey Lightel Wu Property TECO-SF Science Division Partners Chang-E, CHIME, Nanhai, SEC, VestLink

2018 CIE/SEA Convention Seminars

Session 1: Emerging & Breakthrough of AI applications (Grand Ballroom B) 13:00-13:40   Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Aviation Industry  (Dr. Anne Kao, Senior Technology Fellow, the Boeing Company) Abstract:  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest growing fields in computer science, and the hottest topic in modern technology, promising to revolutionize our daily […]